Prospective buyers are welcomed by real estate agents at an open house in West Hempstead, New York on April 18, 2021.
Newsday LLC / Contributor
PPP loan fraud affected home prices
However, government aid may have also contributed to that growth, including higher rates of fraudulent PPP loans in certain areas, according to the new research.
This is a very specific type of stimulus that injected cash into certain areas, and it seems to have played a pretty significant role.
Sam Kruger
Assistant professor of finance from the University of Texas at Austin
The paper found that certain markets had elevated rates of PPP loan fraud and individuals who received fraudulent loans were more likely to have purchased property.
“This is a very specific type of stimulus that injected cash into certain areas, and it seems to have played a pretty significant role,” Kruger said.
ZIP codes with “high suspicious lending per capita” had home price growth that was 5.7% higher than ZIP codes in the same county with lower levels of fraud, the paper found. “This effect is large relative to other proposed factors explaining house price growth during the Covid period,” the co-authors wrote.

The findings were consistent after weighing factors like land supply, previous home price growth, remote work access, population density, net migration, proximity to the central business district and prior rates of remote work.
“It’s not just that you’re stealing money from the government,” Kruger said. “There are potential distortions and spillover effects that are affecting other people in the community.”