Two Men Accused in 7-Eleven Shootings Set to be Charged – NBC Los Angeles

on Jul18
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Two men involved in a deadly spree of 7-Eleven shootings and robberies are expected to be charged in Orange County.

The two men accused are Malike Patt, 20, and Jason Payne, 44, both from LA. They were arrested at about 1:10 p.m. on July 15 on the 1900 block of West 23rd Street in LA.

Patt is considered the main suspect seen in widely circulated surveillance video photos from some of the robberies.

The two are accused of being involved in four local county shootings.

The Orange County DA says Patt and Payne could be charged with at least two murders with special circumstances that could result in the death penalty.

The charges will be announced at a press conference at the Orange County DA’s Office Monday morning.

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